Online by popular demand
Well, i won't deny that it has been a long time for me to be away from webpages. no point in hiding that. If you managed to fin this site out of all the millions of others out there i must say that i am very very impressed.

Some plans for this site, if i ever get time to do it, there will be a site dedicated to my two most favourite characters, Don juan Demarco, and Paul Muad'dib.
I will also make a page dedicated to one of the most popular gaming consoles out on the market at the moment. The nintendo Gameboy. From that site you will be able to download some of the more popular (and unpopular) games ever released for the gameboy.
Also, if there is enough interest i will build a site dedicated to digital video. This includes the "how-to" of making digital videos from you home computer and how to use existing sources to make your own.

And for all of you anime fans out there, i have started putting together some sites for what in my opion is the best series ever. Click here to see them
Well that is the target that i have set for myself. If you have any comments or sugestions, please email me and i will do my best to see that it does get done.

And remember Nothing easy is ever simple

Have you ever heard about sites that actually pay you to surf the net. Well incase you didn't know, this is the easiest way to make money, both of the sites below offer you a ways and a means of making money on the net, just by using it. Even if you access the net through a public terminal (like the ones at you local high school) or from your own connection, believe me when i say. It is well worth joining a site like the ones listed below. Click here to see a recount of my experiance with these two companies is like.
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